Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Illustration Friday: TENSION

Catching the first worm can be a source of 
TENSION among the early birds.
Please take a look at my project on Kickstarter raising funds to send my first book, Imagination Vacation Yellowstone to print! Even small donations help, rewards start at $5 and your help spreading the word is priceless! A mention on your blog would be a godsend right about now.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Illustration Friday: LIQUID

Caddis flies begin life in a LIQUID environment.
This is an illustration for my next book, P is for Pangolin, an alphabet of obscure and under-appreciated animals. 
Please take a look at my project on Kickstarter raising funds to send my first book, Imagination Vacation Yellowstone to print! Even small donations help, rewards start at $5 and your help spreading the word is priceless!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

My Book is on Kickstarter!

It's official I just launched my project on Kickstarter. I'm seeking backers to help me take my book Imagination Vacation Yellowstone to press. I have just 29 days to reach my goal. You can help by backing me. Even a dollar or two helps. Please share my Kickstarter page with others and help me reach my goal.
For anyone unfamiliar with Kickstarter, it is a crowd funding site. Backers help creative people - writers, filmmakers, artists and inventors to bring their creations to market.
Thanks for your support!

Illustration Friday: FUTURE

In the FUTURE I hope we'll live in cozy passive solar
homes made of recycled materials. We'll grow our food at home
and keep free-range chickens.