Although you can find a lot of things on Craigslist, I never expected to find friends. But years ago that's exactly what happened when Aaron and Jennifer responded to an ad I posted for a housemate. Since then we've shared all kinds of adventures; teaching in DISD, searching for diamonds in Arkansas, learning to snorkel, and of course countless nights watching The Walking Dead at the Angelika.
They've helped us out so many times I've lost count. They helped Jeff fix our cars, helped me build the catio (cat patio), helped us out when we found a kitten with a laundry list of ailments. Once they showed up for an entire day to help us drag out fallen limbs when a freak snowstorm turned our street into a disaster zone. FEMA also showed up for that one!
We're really gonna miss you guys! We wish you all the best, happy house hunting and stay in touch!
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