Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Canyon Village Talent Show

Yesterday was a sad day in the Village. Pilar and Andrew loaded up a rental car with luggage, two bikes, a mandolin, the guitar (with case I painted), two adopted Colombians and a friend and headed back to California. I will miss them.
They should have stuck around a little longer for the Canyon Talent Show.
I've seen talent shows before, but this one takes the cake...
The first act was one of the retirees dressed as a flapper singing "Hey Big Spender" to her balding husband who seemed embarrassed. It was cute, but the singing was pretty bad.
There were a couple guitar groups, including one that blew everyone away; Abram doing vocal and guitar with someone on a violin. They performed Glycerine by Bush. They got the encore they were expecting and launched right into Hotel California. Wow!
Then were the Chinese vocalist and violinist performing Can You Feel the Love Tonight from the Lion King. That was cute, with the guy's accent the chorus came out, "It's enough to make kings and wagabonds Believe the very best."
The Most Bizarre act went to Kyle. He started out by dragging out a large canvas, guitar, paints, brushes, his Picnic Shop uniform, a decorative throw blanket, laptop and two volunteers. He asked for the lights to be dimmed and the volunteers ran out flinging glow stick juice on everyone. A couple people were hit in the face with glow stick tubes. Marlyn Manson's The Beautiful People played faintly on the laptop. Then Kyle proceeded to squeeze paint onto the back of the guitar and use it as a palette. He used his hands instead of the brushes and painted some kind of message on the canvas that no one could quite make out. He did this with the decorative throw blanket flung over his shoulder (for effect??). In the middle of it all he paused to change music and put on his uniform. When he finally quit, he was met with stunned silence. No one knew what to think of it. Kyle is odd to say the least. And to think, Andrew had to be his roommate for two months!!
The last act of the night was a "Rap'n Tap" performed by a pair billed as 'Short and Curly.' The rapper was a tall, white guy with, yes, curly hair. The tapper was a tiny girl in huge sunglasses and an oversize hoodie, hood up. They swaggered out and she hopped up on the platform. The rap was dedicated to 'the older women.' It was about a guy's visit to a ladies' rest home, refered to as the "Octogenarian Harem." It was hysterical and the tapping was great too. It won hands down and the little tapper yelled out, "That's a two time world champion tapper, IN YO' FACE, YA'LL!"


Dennis said...
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Dennis said...

Come back soon, I'm sure we could hold a talent show that would be equally entertaining and strange.