Monday, February 15, 2010

Blizzard of 2010

The power finally came back on Sunday night. It started snowing Thursday morning and it didn't stop until the wee hours of Friday. On my way home Thursday afternoon, I started to get excited about the prospect of doing some snowboarding under the I-20/408 interchange. As it turned out, we didn't get to go snowboarding. A fireman stopped me as I was turning into our neighborhood and told me that the road was closed ahead, that a tree had fallen across the road and paramedics were trying to get someone with a broken let to the hospital, but then he let me continue when I told him that I just had to make it to our street, Moneta Lane. I went on and made my way around an ambulance and as I turned on Moneta, I saw another ambulence and another firetruck and a huge tree blocking the road. Driving down our street, the full impact of the storm hit me as I passed house after house with broken limbs and downed trees some of which had fallen on cars. Our yard was a disaster area, with my two favorite trees in shambles. Three limbs from the live oak behind the house had fallen on to the power line to the house. Many more limbs littered the yard and dangled dangerously from the tree tops. The double cedar out front exploded several times as I watched. When Jeff got home we ran around trying to save the trees and shrubs by knocking and shaking the snow from them. Every now and then we had to dodge branches that fell. We threw a rope over the power line and I pulled it out from under the branches as Jeff propped them up. Night fell and we saw brilliant flashes of red in the sky as transformers exploded all over our neighborhood. A tree in the goat pasture behind the house touched the power line and caught fire. We called the firefighters who appeared looking very tired and told us that it would probably just burn itself out and that there was nothing they could do. Eventually we went inside, only to be lured outside when we noticed red and blue lights flashing at the end of our driveway. It was a cop who explained that he was stranded in the snow and that the tow truck that had come for him was now stranded as well and had already called for a larger tow truck. Jeff brought out his snow shovel and dug them both out. We were outside until 11 pm.
School was canceled on Friday. We bought a new chain for the chainsaw and went to play in the snow with Makaela. We built her a big snow fort, pulled her around on the snow shovel and had a snowball fight.
A few people have remarked to me, "You're from a place where it snows. You should be used to this!" I am used to snow but not in a place that isn't used to snow. Back Park City when it snows, the trees and buildings don't collapse, people still know how to drive, we still have electricity, snowplows come out and push snow off the road and all hell does NOT break loose. This snowstorm has been totally different.
On Sunday we decided to get serious about cleaning up from the storm. Aaron and Jennifer came over to help. Jeff put the new chain on the chainsaw and we worked all day cutting limbs and dragging them out to the street. We made so many trips that we trampled the snow in the side yard to mush and the turf began to ripple as we walked back and forth on it. By the time we finished, the pile of branches was the width of our yard and about six feet tall. THANK YOU JENNIFER AND AARON! Without them it would have taken us days to clean up!

1 comment:

Dennis said...

I'm disappointed you didn't get to snowboard down that hill. It would have been quite a story to tell that you actually got to snowboard in the middle of DFW