Saturday, March 26, 2011

Two Book Pages

Here are two spreads from the book I'm currently illustrating. My dad and I wrote it together. It's about the geology of Yellowstone.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Group Drawing!

My dear friend Sarah started this and invited me to add on. It's an add-on drawing game. I've played before on real paper. You fold the paper to make one panel for each player. Each player draws their part without looking at the other parts until the end. Lots of fun! This one was created by Sarah, Andi, Andrea and Cyboticus. Thanks for playing everyone!

Friday, March 4, 2011

WARNING: Illustration Friday

Three-legged frogs, disappearing honeybees; are these warnings of a natural world that is falling apart? This is my first triangular tessellation and it was quite a challenge! It took some serious brain crunching to think through the rotations. I did it in watercolor pencil and black marker. After an afternoon spent doing simple tessellations with my 5th grade students, I decided to try something more challenging on my own. I made the original three frogs and copied and rotated them in PhotoShop. It's not perfect, there are some gaps where it doesn't quite match up, but I'm still pretty happy with it!